Coral Sea Fishers Association

Coral Sea Fishers Association is the peak body representing the diverse commercial fishing interests of licence holders in Australia’s Commonwealth Coral Sea Fishery.

The Coral Sea Fishery lies east of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in a vast and remote expanse of ocean that extends to the edge of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone.

The fishery is wholly encompassed within the 989,842 km2 Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve.

The fishery has 16 limited entry permits:

  • 8 in the Line and Trap sector
  • 2 in the Aquarium sector
  • 2 in the Sea Cucumber sector
  • 2 in the Lobster and Trochus sector
  • 2 in the Trawl and Trap sector

Read the current management arrangements booklet (Format: PDF, 1.6 MB)

The Coral Sea Fishers Association works in collaboration with fishery managers from the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and marine park managers from the Department of the Environment and Energy


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